What's stopping you?
Fear and anxiety
You don't think you deserve it
Lack of money
Lack of energy
Lack of confidence
Low self-esteem
No one believes you can
You don't believe you can
You don't want to look silly
Only really adventurous people do those things.
It seems too tough
You wouldn't know how
What if you failed
What if you got hurt
What if you succeeded and it wasn't what you wanted after all
You're depressed
What if people laughed at you
You don't like to take risks
You're just not that kind of person
It would take too much effort
It's not worth it
You're comfortable on your couch
You're too busy
You're too lazy
You don't feel well
You don't know how
You don't know where to start
Think about this...
One day when you are old, and you look back on your life and review what was important to you, will you think about that business meeting you went to? Or the work you did? Or the people you didn't meet? Or the difference you didn't make in someone's life, including your own?
Or will you smile over the people you knew and the adventures you had? Experiences make life richer! Experiences make us grow. They change us and those around us. They give us an opportunity make a difference that matters.
Every day gives you a new opportunity to experience something new and grow.
When you take what you've learned out into the world it has the power to change lives!
If you walk the same path day in and day out you will reach the same destination or...
You could step one foot out into
the world and change everything!
Let's change the world together! Follow the GOAL blog to figure out what's stopping you from being the person you dream about being. Read interviews of ordinary people who one day got up and did extraordinary things. Find out how to move right past what's stopping you and what it takes to stop dreaming and ...
Go Out And Live!
Dreams are for planning.
Actions make memories!
Today is someday...
Today is the day to start!
Anyone who has ever accomplished anything amazing could have checked off many if not all of the reasons on the list above.
Entrepreneurs, adventures, conquerers all had the same two traits in common:
They knew the only way you truly fail is if you never try in the first place.
Failures are not the end result but the method to learn, adjust and try again.
In other words success comes from risking failure, learning from your mistakes, and trying again and again.